
Be happy

I'm going to write about my friend a little bit today.
One of my friend, she broke up with boyfriend in last month. Then I was surprised, because they had been together for so long and it was hard to believe about that for me. But in fact, I didn't like her boyfriend, it's kinda hate, haha lol So, I thought that's okay and she can always find someone else, someone more nice. I was sure theres someone out there, so now she has a new boyfriend. He is in college and he graduated high school early, and plans to be a doctor. That sounds like smart guy, you know... also, he is very nice, she said. That's nice to hear! So, we have been getting keep in touch recently. Now her boyfriend is studying business at the same university as her :) He wanted to be a doctor, but his hands shake very badly, and that's not good for a surgeon! So he stopped studying medicine and went to business. He was really really sad :(
I thought that of course, she is also really sad about it either.
But I hope they just have fun with together now! I think that's it!!
(206words/1745 total)

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