
Music me up

Oh I love Fall Out Boy, haha! My friend's boyfriend looks like Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy when Patrick Stump was skinny xD
Hot Hot Heat, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco....stuff like that was pretty popular to me for long ago. Panic at the Disco was good in their first CD, but I don't like them now :(
Rap and Hip Hop is big too, like right now "soulja boy" was VERY popular...there's even a dance. Before I wrote about it little bit post on here, you know... that "soulja boy" was popular in America. Why?!
The dance is so stupid, I don't understand it. I hate him a lot! YOOOOOOOOOU~
Also I heard that a lot of people really like Pitbull and Lil' Weezy and Lil' Jon. I don't know why and I cannot understand their feeling or mind but they do. huh! Now, Rhianna is not very popular anymore for me and she is just okay for me now and days. But she is so cool, you know that... Anyway Ohhh, I forgot telling about it! It is a new band called Flobots is becoming popular, I guess... if my guessing is right!!
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