
I miss her

About my best friend, Her name is Kathleen, I call her Kat. She is going to go to a university in Austin TX, it is called "St. Edwards". It has a really pretty campus and it's capital city in TX, that's very fun, she said. And She lives in dorms and her roommate is nice. She is a graphic design student and she is studying Graphic Design, so the classes she's taking this semester are: Design, Drawing, College Algebra, English and so on. Before I told to her that college is a pain, a lot of work... but luckily she is in Art program so she doesn't have a lot of writing work as me. It is hard to understand of my mind for her. It can' help it. And I know it was hard for me just in the beginning. Moreover I hope I enjoy studying in university.
Well, also I hope she is doing well and she has fun in university. I miss her so much because I have long time no see with her. So I wish I can could go see Austin, it's fun city. Maybe, one day, we will see each other again. I hope so. I go back in TX, and visit her someday!
Anyway, I'm very sorry about that I haven' been able to respond to her e-mails lately and for the LOONG delay on the e-mail. But I will have chance to write back to her soon. I can make it!
(252words: total 5827)

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