
American Insults

Now, I'm going to write about some American insults little bit which I knew that. So, I'm going to try to explain them on my own.
Here are:
yo' mama=your mother or, your mom!
This can be used as an insult, like: Your mom smells bad! or just, "Your mom!" If someone says this to you, you can say, "What about her?" This is not offensive.

In America(and other places in the world) the anus is very "dirty". Calling someone this is not very bad. "You ass!" or "Don't be an asshole!"

bitch=female dog
Usually, girls will say this to other girls when the girl acts mean. It is not very mean in America. "You're a bitch!" or "Don't be bitchy"

fuck=very rude word for sex
This word is very offensive! However, you will hear it a lot. Try to ignore it, kids don't mean it. "You fucker!" or, "Fuck" or, "I'm fucked".

This is pretty bad, but "fuck" is worse. Again, the anus is dirty because of the feces! "Shit head!" or, "Aw, shit" or, "Shitty!"
I think you know why this is insulting.

bastard=someone without a father
It means that your dad was not a good person and left your mother when she was pregnant. Not insulting. "You bastard!"

American child are taught a rhyme when they are small to help them feel better when someone calls them a mean name:
Stick and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me!
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