
I can just rest!

I have today off and I am very excited. I woke up earlier than I wanted too. Nothing woke me up, I just couldn't sleep anymore. I need to decide if I want to go anywhere today.

I know I don't really post much here anymore. I am either too busy and don't have time, or I really don't care. I'm not on the internet that much these days, and when I am, it isn't on here.

I have been pretty busy as well. I have been getting busy with school work, it's kinda doing homework non stop, I thought. I have a lot of homework to do last week and I was always tied up with my homework then. So, I have been super tired and I need a rest hard, I guess.

Therefore, I don't want to do anything and just, I would like to stay home all day. I think I am going to spend the rest of the day relaxing and do some reading on the couch! Ohh.. that is so tempting. I think I might!!! By the way, what do you do when you have free time?

As for me, I like to read book mysteries and I also like spending quiet weekends at home cuddling up in front of the TV watching a good movie. How about you? What are your interests?
Well, it's time to ready for drink some coffee, or I'm going to get some sleep again, I guess!! There is nothing to write about anymore. Talk you later~!
(260 words/9905 total)

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