
Let's take a break

I have 4 classes all for today. I'm not kidding! That's a lot, isn't it?!
Perhaps, I had an American history class first period and American literature, moreover I had two classes this afternoon. It was hard for me and make me very tired with today's schedule.

Basically, I don't like a Mondays' timetable becaurse I'm tired of it a lot. In fact, they are boring classes but I'm having a hard time keeping up with my classes, so I'd better study hard, I know. But I thought that I chose easy ones, however that's not! It was my fault and it won't happen gain because there is not is easy, studying here in college.

I think that there is not a simple subject to study, so I changed my mind and I noticed that I can ask my friend whoever when I have a hard time keeping up with my classes. Anyway, if there is anything I don't understand, I could feel free to ask with some friends. Why don't we do our homework and study hard together someday? But not too hard, just try to my best!

Take it easy, me. I'm sure I'll make it! So, you guys how many classes are you taking for tomorrow? Have a fun in class.huh!
(220 words/10125 total)

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