
Romio and Juliet

I watched Romio and Juliet of movie today's' after school. This movie is lovely, cute, beautiful and wonderful. It was my first time to see it and I was very impressive. Before I watch it, I haven't the faintest idea how lovely story what it is like. It may be anything one choose to image but basically I thought it is deep love story for destiny with man and woman. But its scale is almost beyond imagining. So, I mean...it was terrific for me.
In fact, I was almost impressed a lot, especially when begging of Juliet declare her love to Romio and they promised to love each other late a scene in a movie. However, they were finally besotted with each other and death together. It was very sad but great love story, I thought.
Here is main character:
Montague-Romio's father
Romeo-handsome guy
Mercutio-Romio's friend
Benvolio-Romio's cousin
Capulet-Juliet's father
Lady Capulet-Juliet's mother
Juliet-beautiful woman
Tybalt-Juliet's fiance
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