
BR 2-7 The Magic Cooking Pot

A little girl lives small town with her mother. But they are very poor family and don't have any money. Of course, they don't have money for food and they always hungry. Their house is nothing to food left and they are starving a lot and go to bed hungry every day. It is very sad for them but they have any money and there is nothing for it.

One day, a little girl is out and sit down with crying a lot. Because she is always starving and cannot fill her stomach, so it is very unhappy for her. But then an old woman is in front of her and says something to her, "Don't cry anymore, girl!". However a little girl says to an old woman "There is no help for it". But an old woman says again "Don't cry anymore, okay?" and gives a pot for little girl. It is a magic cooking pot and it cooks nice hot porridge when says "Cook, little pot, cook!". Then old woman try to say it something and then pot cooks porridge as well. So, little girl is very surprise and glad for that. Once again, old woman try to say "Stop, little pot, stop!" and pot stop working on. It seem very nice pot and very useful things for her.

After that, she runs home and shows the magic pot to her mother. She tries to say something to pot and it makes some food for them. Her mother is very surprise either and very glad about that. They can eat porridge every day and they aren't hungry anymore. That is very happy for them and they takes good care of it.

But one day, little girl is out for hang out with her friends. Then her mother is hungry a lot and she wants to eat something. And she cannot wait for little girl comes back home. So, her mother tries to say "Cook. little pot, cook!" by herself and pot makes hot porridge for her and she eats it a lot. She finally cannot eat it anymore but the pot still cook porridge and doesn't stop. The magic pot working no stop and cook more and more. Her mother is very confuse and she doesn't have no idea what should she says for the pot. She says "Stop" again and again but the pot doesn't stop at all.

She is really not sure about right words for how to use the pot. She helps neighbor and some one come to her and try to help for her. But they cannot say right words with the pot and very confuse too. Also the magic pot makes porridge more and more but they don't want it to makes porridge anymore.

But fortunately, her mother sees little girl and tells her what happen for them. Then little girl understand about that quickly and says right words to the magic pot. Perhaps, the pot stops working on and come down as quiet. A little girl finally says "Good little pot" and she takes good care. Finally, the pot also says "You must say the right words!".
(530words:14247 total)

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