
Not much is new...

I was taking four classes today that I had two classes both of this morning and afternoon. In fact, I choose easy ones if my guessing was right. I'm having a hard time keeping up with my classes. Some classes too difficult for me and I'd like to add this course, but I know I cannot make it. Yesterday, I was tied up with my paper that I had got to finish paper by today, so, I'm little tired today. I need rest hard!

I'm surprised that I'll have 3 tests next week and two paper to write! I have lots of study to do now and days. I'm not done with it and I'm not ready to write, so I would it be possible to extend the due date, what should I say....I mess up!

By the way, I learned the difference between the "L" and "R" sounds. I did bad on them. The phonic class is too difficult for me. As you know, I've been having trouble pronouncing them. I was disappointed with my pronunciation. I often get them mixed up. Well, I hope that I'll get use to them eventually. I wish I could speak English better.

Now, I'm checking TV Guide. There are any American programs on my TV. It is on the air in Japan too. I have nothing to my favorite program. What American programs can you guys watch?

(240words: total 15350)

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Text will come soon. We have to study hard!! Hang in together!!