

1. What is your usual writing/blogging schedule each week? Where do write/blog?
I usually write about my classes and my weekends what I did. I always write and post some blog on here at home.

2. Please look at your first post from Spring term and compare it with what you are writing now. What improvements do you see with your English and what do you think you should work on to improve?

In spring term, I usually posted on here about tell from the news what were going on in the world of my some interest, how I were doing, whats new with me and hows my family and friends. But now, I usually write about school work and doing lately of my day off. It 's a good chance to give someone tell my way of life.

Hopefully, I guess that my vocabulary gets bigger than before but I have need to learn more grammar, because my sentence structure is still a little bit shaky. But I'm sure that to keep write and post on blog is the key to make my English better. Also, I'm sure it is with time and practice, I will do fine. I know that studying is not the only way to learn, I have to practice too.

3. What are your opinions of doing movie reviews? Please talk about the time it takes and the availability of the movies.
Movie review are difficult ones of writing assignments for me. Because I don't have much of vocabulary and moreover, I must tell exactly about basic of movie story. But I guess that I am doing fine with it. I hope so.

4. Please give your suggestions for the class
We could try to practice English on the computer in this class. It is much help to improve our English. We must not forget to practice writing on the computer.

5. Please give some advice to the students who will take this class next year.
I think they should just try to do assignment all as they can and attendance each class as well.

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