
Not look good today

It's a very cold day today! That's not nice and freezing here. Are you feeling okay? I think I caught a cold. I have a slight fever and feel chilly. Take care of yourself!

Well, I took the Bunkajinnruigaku class to the second period today. Then we watched a video in the class but that video was awful. When I watched it, I felt very sad and I was mostly crying. In fact, I cannot express how much I depress with it. The contents of the video were the times when a large quantity of people were killed by the Nazis. However, I had studied about Nazis's history before and I already knew about him of course, but I was shocked a lot. It was the contents which it was very cruel, and I cannot express how much horrible history. I cannot imagine the thought of the family who survived in the past time.
(160words:16868 total)

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