

I have been getting memorize for name at States in my free time. So, I always put a book in my bag and could see it anytime when I have free time.
I had stayed in the U.S. for long days but I have no idea about the State and the Metropolis. I would be ashamed of nothing to knowledge about it and I am embarrassed. I think it shameful to no idea of it as a majoring in English student. So, this time I show you my memory subjects what I'm memorizing now and days.
Here are:
(State) (Metropolis)
Alabama /Montgomery
Alaska /Juneau
Arizona /Phoenix
Arkansas /Little Rock
California /Sacramento
Colorado /Denver
Connecticut /Hartford
Delaware /Dover
Florida /Tallahassee
Georgia /Atlanta
Hawaii /Honolulu
Idaho /Boise
Illinois /Springfield
Indiana /Indianapolis
Iowa /Des Monies
Kansas /Topeka
Kentucky /Frankfort
Louisiana /Baton Rouge
Maine /Augusta
Maryland /Annapolis
Massachusetts /Boston
Michigan /Lansing
Minnesota /St. Paul
Mississippi /Jackson
Missouri /Jefferson City
Montana /Helena
Nebraska /Lincoln
Nevada /Carson City
New Hampshire /Concord
New Jersey /Trenton
New Mexico /Santa Fe
New York /Albany
North Carolina /Raleigh
North Dakota /Bismarck
Ohio /Columbus
Oklahoma /Oklahoma City
Oregon /Salem
Pennsylvania /Harrisburg
Rhode Island /Providence
South Carolina /Columbia
South Dakota /Pierre
Tennessee /Nashville
Texas /Austin
Utah /Salt Lake City
Vermont /Montpelier
Virginia /Richmond
Washington /Olympia
Wast Virginia /Charleston
Wisconsin /Madison
Wyoming /Cheyenne
(221 words/8449 total)

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