
Coming up

Summer vacation is coming up soon!! Well, this semester went by fast and was fun, I had some laughs with friends, it was nice having them as friends at school.
By the way, in the beginning of next month, my friend, Keiko will go N.Z. to study through a school program with others. NOOOO! I'm gonna miss her, but we can always keep in touch, so send me copy of the pictures!! Please and thank you, huh!! OH! I hope when she goes to there and get back home, everything goes good and well.
Well, hope she has a safe flight to go N.Z. and also safe flight back home!!! Perhaps, I think she will have a fun this summer!! So, I hope she could have a very good time there and learn a lot of English!!! Also as for me, I hope I could have fun here in Japan. huh!! Because my friend and I had to canceled the our summer trip, I was very disappointed about that. Because I guess that it's a good chance to go to the U.S. for us. But now I'm sure that I will make it next time, when I have free time. Otherwise, I'm please come to see me in Japan if they have a chance, then I would love to have them stay with me. Come here and visite me, it would be really cool, sweet and sounds so much fun!!! I hope to see my friends again someday!!
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