
Special guest

Whats new with you? Nothing much here...
I'm just writing everyone a note to start your day off good!
Did you enjoy or spend for good golden week? I hope your holidays were great.

My golden week was excellent! My friend came and visited me from Osaka. She is very funny and talked a lot as Kansai dialect, so I just could hear what she talked about. But it was nice having her as a special guest at house in few days. Well this Golden Week went by fast and was fun, I had some laughs with her.
Anyway I'm not sure that she'll come back and visit me again. NOOOO! I'm gonna all miss her so much I0I And I hope she enjoyed staying in Kumamoto. I am very very verrrry happy to have met her. Come back and visit me someday! Take care of herself!
Well hope she has a safe drive back to Osaka!!

(160words: total 3937)

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