
BR 2-12 Three Billy- Goats

There are three kind of goats. They are a little goat, a big goat and a very big goat. They all like grass very much and they eat it every day. They want eat grass a lot and they see a river. There are much of green grass and they want to across the river and eat it. Fortunately, they find a bridge, so they think use the bridge and across to there. But a bad troll is under the bridge and he does mean thing to three goats. However, three goats find the troll too but they want eat grass soon, so they tried to across the bridge. First, little goat goes to the bridge and troll ask him "I want eat you". Little goat is very scary and say to troll "Please wait, next goat is more big than me". And troll understand and wait for the next goat. Second, big goat goes on to the bridge and troll ask him too "Come here, I want eat you". Of course, big goat is scary too and speak to troll "Next goat is more big than me" said big goat. Again, the troll understand big goat's talk and he thinks that he wants to eat more big one. Therefore, he starts to think wait for the very big one. Finally, a very big goat try to go on to the bridge and troll ask him "I was waiting you and I want eat you soon". But a very big goat runs at the troll and he hits the troll. Big goat throe troll up and down to the river. Therefore, a very big goat goes over the bridge. Totally, they eat much green grass, so they are very happy. And bad troll goes away and he doesn't come back again.
(306words:20075 total)

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